Ontario Dave Rendall Merit Award
This award was designated to compliment a senior provincial official who has devoted his time by helping the junior provincial officials to excel in officiating.
This award is presented to a senior official who:
- promotes officiating in wrestling at the provincial level
- volunteers their time and leadership
The award is usually (but not exclusively) meant for an official who is no longer active in the sport of wrestling.
1985 - Jim Monk
1986 - Peter Michienze
1987 - Doug Howard
1988 - Ron Preston
1989 - Glen Leyshon
1990 - Nick Houston
1991 - Mike Dixon
1992 - Ken Zayette
1993 - No Recipient
1994 - Sean Norris
1995 - Darryl Owen
1996 - Fred Schaller
1997 - Martin Pollock
1998 - Mike Maurice
1999 - Jim Skelly
2000 - Crista Ring
2001 - No Recipient
2002 - No Recipient
2003 - Rick Melanson
2004 - Herb Matis
2005 - Bev Holmes
2006 - John Dawson
2007 - John Cooke
2008 - Bill Perkins
2009 - Jose Alonso
2010 - Guy Quenville
2011 - Albert Rundstedler
2012 - Besh Ahmed
2013- Geoff Griffin
2014- Diane Deschatelets
2015- Al Hurris
2016 – Ron Moncur
2017 – Lee MacKay
2018 - Scott Mauthe
2019 – Ed Zinger
2020 – Sue Perkins
2021 - Harry Curtis
2022 - Gary Bird
Provincial Perkins Award
This award was designated to help a newer official attend a developmental or upgrade tournament
This award is presented to a Provincial A or lower official who:
- has shown dedication to officiating youth wrestling
- has supported the OAWOA
- has demonstrated a high level of enthusiasm for officiating
Bill Perkins Provincial Award Past Winners
2012- Rob McKinnis, Rob St. Jean
2013- James Stewart
2014- Jose Pelletier
2015- Erica Lévesques
2016 - Stephanie Tonn
2017 - Daphne O’Brien
2018 - Jade Parsons
2019 - Ethan Sparks
2020 - Hunter Larabie
2021 - No Recipient
2022 - No Recipient